CW: child abuse/pedophilia, attempted rape
Litani was an enjoyable read, if even its subject matter was difficult at times. The small town of Litani, Minnesota felt claustrophobic and hollow, a perfect reflection of the people trapped inside. The “Satanic Panic” theme of the story, though in some ways predictable in 2021, worked in its favor: since it is rare to see it played from the perspective of a child in the thick of it, it helped quell my initial skepticism of how the story would play out.
Where Litani shone most was in the relationships between its characters. Like any teenager, Frankie’s love for her parents was complicated, and her nervousness about the town’s other residents — justified or not — reflected a wisdom far beyond her age. Seeing her blossom by the end was a joy.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a thriller based on true events.
I received the eBook ARC of of this novel courtesy of Thomas & Mercer via NetGalley in return for my honest review. It will be available for purchase on October 19, 2021.
CW: child abuse/pedophilia, attempted rape Litani was an enjoyable read, if even its subject matter was difficult at times. The small town of Litani, Minnesota felt claustrophobic and hollow, ...